Luxury crystal browbands handmade in the UK | Free matching stock pin worth £10

Colour Therapy for Horse Riders

Colour Therapy for Horse Riders

Learn about the potential benefits of using colour therapy for horse riders. Discover how different colours may be used to help riders relax, reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and enhance physical performance. Find out how to incorporate colour into riding equipment, such as saddle pads, browbands, and horse boots, and get tips on colour coordination and creating a cohesive look. Explore the potential risks and limitations of using colour therapy as a complementary therapy.

Lovely Feedback on FaceBook

Horse and rider

Thank you to the lovely Samantha Osborne for leaving such smashing feedback on my Facebook page about her two crystal browbands. I love reading customer’s reviews and seeing what they are doing out and about with their horses whilst wearing them 🙂 I chose our leather and crystals and even the glue and thread that […]

Best Blue Bling Browbands for Horses

Blue Mega Bling Browbands Handmade by Unicorn Browbands from English Sedgewicks Leathe & Czech Preciosa Crystal

The Best Blue Bling Browbands for Horses Always stunning colour combinations from Unicorn Browbands. I’m always being asked what colour *bling browbands go with which colour horse and as blue browbands are so popular right now let’s take an in depth look at our best blue browbands. If you are the proud owner/rider of a […]

Collect Points for Money off Your Next Browband Order

Collect points for money off your next crystal bling browband for horses

We are pleased to announce our points scheme Every purchase from Unicorn Browbands adds points to your account which can then be used as discount on future purchases so if you are like me and one single crystal browband only matches one set of your matchy matchy saddle cloths, ear bonnet and boots then you […]

Monthly Prize Draw

1st & 2nd place rosettes | Unicorn Browbands | Bling Browbands

I’m very excited to open the doors on our squeaky clean new equestrian website and to celebrate I am creating a monthly prize draw for all photo reviews of our browbands entered to this website. The only rules are that it must be submitted from the 1st to the last day of the current month […]

Glorious Green Browbands!

Green megabling 5 row crystal bling browbands handmade with English Sedwicks leather and luxury Preciosa crystals

Glorious Green Browbands for everyone! Have you been dreaming of finding those perfect green browbands, perhaps dazzling in the dressage ring in lime green tack or cheering up your chestnut with a new emerald green bling browband? Have you spent days combing the internet only to come up short in a sea of pink browbands, […]